Extended Repayment Schedule (ERS)

Providers may need longer than 30 days to repay the full amount of an overpayment and therefore have the option to submit a Request for Extended Repayment Schedule (ERS) Form. When this has been determined, the ERS request must be submitted immediately and completely. Access the ERS form and Amortization Schedule from the Overpayment/Recoupment Forms webpage.

If the request for ERS request is not completed correctly, the processing of the ERS request may be delayed. Each request for ERS will be evaluated to determine if the request will be granted.

Interest will accrue on any outstanding overpayments if overpayments are older than 30 days from date of Demand Letter before ERS request has been granted. To avoid accrued interest, submit ERS request right away.

Until ERS request has been granted, any overpayment interest accrued must be paid separately or will be included in repayment plan.


Provider must be aware that ERS can be requested with a minimum of 6 months to the maximum of 60 months.

Documentation Requirements

Each request must include:

  1. A list of all debts included in the ERS. This is most easily accomplished by attaching the first page of initial demand letter received for each debt. A spreadsheet containing all claims from initial demand letter(s) may also be submitted
  2. Amount of proposed monthly payments
    1. A signed proposed Amortization Schedule that includes above number of months and proposed monthly payments. Refer to the Overpayment/Recoupment Forms webpage for the Amortization Schedule tool.
      • Note: Remember that interest will continue to accrue on the debt. Adjust number and/or number of payments accordingly
  3. A check made payable to Noridian Healthcare Solutions, LLC. for good faith ERS payment. In the Subject Line, include "ERS Request"
    • Note: Requests for an ERS that are not accompanied by a check for good faith payment may be considered invalid
  4. A completed copy of Extended Repayment Schedule documentation list. See the ERS Request Form Refunds/Overpayments Forms webpage
  5. A copy of each document referenced on Extended Repayment Schedule documentation list.
    • Note: Failure to include all required documents with ERS request may result in processing delays or invalidation of request. It is in provider's best interest to provide all documents at time of request

One ERS request can be submitted for multiple demand letters if the interest rate for the letter dates are the same for all demand letters.


Include the completed, appropriate form with the defined ERS documentation. Access the Extended Repayment Schedule from the Refunds/Overpayments Forms webpage.

Mail the ERS request and the original check to Noridian. Specific Mailing information is found on the ERS form.

Email a copy of the entire request, including a photocopy of the check to Noridian email JE-ERS@noridian.com

After a debt has been referred to the Department of Treasury for collection, request ERS through the Department of Treasury.

Upon Approval of ERS

If an ERS is approved and a provider misses one installment payment the provider is in default. The payment is considered missed if not received within 30 days after the payment due date.


Last Updated Oct 24 , 2023