Article Detail - JA DME
New National Drug Code (NDC) Numbers For Methotrexate
Original Effective Date: 06/14/2002
Revision Effective Date: 11/01/2013
Suppliers are currently instructed to bill oral anti-cancer drugs to the DMERCs using the appropriate National Drug Code (NDC) number. Four additional NDC numbers have been added for methotrexate products:
- Methotrexate, 5 mg, oral (NDC #00555-0927-01)
- Methotrexate, 7.5 mg, oral (NDC #00555-0928-01)
- Methotrexate, 10 mg, oral (NDC #00555-0929-01)
- Methotrexate, 15 mg, oral (NDC #00555-0945-01)
These numbers are valid for claims received on or after April 30, 2002.