New Voluntary Prior Authorization (PA) of Power Mobility Device (PMD) Accessory Item(s)

CMS is implementing a voluntary PA process for accessory item(s) for PMDs. PA requests for applicable PMD accessories may be submitted for review on or after March 20, 2023, for dates of service on or after April 6, 2023. For a full listing of qualifying accessories review Voluntary Prior Authorization List.

This is a voluntary program where suppliers can request a PA review for PMD accessories when submitting on the same PA as the required base item. The PA will be rejected if accessories are submitted separate from the PMD base item PA request. If the PMD base item is denied during a PA review all accessories will be denied. If the base item has already received an affirmed PA decision and is resubmitted to review the accessories the PA will be rejected. For more information please review Prior Authorization for Power Mobility Devices.


Last Updated Mar 16 , 2023