Article Detail - JA DME
LCD and Policy Article Revisions Summary for March 24, 2022
Outlined below are the principal changes to the DME MAC Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) and Policy Articles (PAs) that have been revised and posted. The policies included are External Infusion Pumps and Glucose Monitors. Please review the entire LCDs and related PAs for complete information.
External Infusion Pumps
Revision Effective Date: 02/28/2022
Added: Language regarding CGMs and how the term refers to therapeutic/non-adjunctive and non-therapeutic/adjunctive devices
Added: Direction for claims on or after date of service April 1, 2022 with the HCPCS code combination of E0784 plus E2102
Removed: Summary of evidence information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
Removed: Analysis of evidence information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
Removed: Bibliography information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
03/24/2022: Pursuant to the 21st Century Cures Act, these revisions do not require notice and comment because they are non-discretionary.
Revision Effective Date: 02/28/2022
Added: Billing directions for insulin infusion pumps with integrated adjunctive or non-therapeutic continuous glucose monitor receiver functionality, and supply codes A4224, A4225, and A4999 for dates of service on or before March 31, 2022
Added: Billing directions for HCPCS codes E0784 and E2102 for insulin infusion pumps with integrated adjunctive or non-therapeutic continuous glucose monitor receiver functionality, and supply codes A4224, A4225, and A4238 for dates of service on or after April 1, 2022
Removed: ICD-10-CM codes O24.415, O24.425, O24.435 from Group 1 codes
03/24/2022: At this time the 21st Century Cures Act applies to new and revised LCDs which require comment and notice. This revision is to an article that is not a local coverage determination.
Glucose Monitors
Revision Effective Date: 02/28/2022
Removed: “CMS Ruling 1682R”
Removed: Reference to CMS Ruling 1682R
Added: CGM refers to both therapeutic/nonadjunctive and non-therapeutic/adjunctive CGMs
Added: Language describing “therapeutic,” “non-adjunctive,” “non-therapeutic,” and “adjunctive” terms and term usage
Added: Information regarding classification of CGMs as DME
Revised: Coverage information to include reference to adjunctive CGM (E2102) and related supply allowance (A4238)
Added: Statement referring to External Infusion Pumps LCD for information regarding billing of CGM receiver functionality integrated into external insulin infusion pump
Added: “Adjunctive CGM devices do not replace a standard home BGM”
Added: HCPCS code A4238 does not include a home BGM and related BGM testing supplies
Added: Reference to coding verification review requirement for HCPCS code E2102 (effective July 1, 2022)
Clarified: No more than a 90-day supply of CGM supplies may be dispensed at a time
Revised: “Refill requirements do not apply to code K0553” to “Refill requirements do not apply to code K0553 or A4238”
Removed: Summary of evidence information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
Removed: Analysis of evidence information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
Added: HCPCS code E2102 to Group 1 Codes (information located in Group 1 Paragraph text) – code effective 04/01/2022
Added: HCPCS code E1399 to Group 1 Codes
Added: HCPCS code A4238 to Group 2 Codes (information located in Group 2 Paragraph text) – code effective 04/01/2022
Added: HCPCS codes A9279 and A9999 to Group 2 Codes
Removed: HCPCS codes A9276, A9277, and A9278 from Group 2 Codes
Removed: Bibliography information, due to not being applicable to the non-discretionary changes
03/24/2022: Pursuant to the 21st Century Cures Act, these revisions do not require notice and comment because they are non-discretionary.
Revision Effective Date: 02/28/2022
Removed: Reference to CMS Ruling 1682R
Removed: “therapeutic” from the DME benefit statement
Added: Information regarding classification of CGMs as DME
Added: “CGM devices that solely display results on a smartphone and do not have a stand-alone receiver or integration into an insulin infusion pump do not meet the definition of DME and will be denied as non-covered (no benefit).”
Added: Supply allowance HCPCS code A4238 to billing information
Added: HCPCS codes A4238 and E2102 to supply allowance statements
Revised: Statement regarding supply allowance that is not covered by Medicare, to include when a beneficiary never uses a DME “insulin infusion pump to display CGM glucose data"
Revised: “requirements for a therapeutic” to “DME benefit category requirements”
Revised: Product coding information to include coding of product as A9279 when product does not meet the DME benefit category requirements at PDAC review
Removed: “therapeutic” from references to CGM
Revised: “KS, KX and CG MODIFIERS:” to “CG, KF, KS and KX MODIFIERS:"
Added: HCPCS codes E2102 and A4238 to KX, KS modifier instructions
Added: “CG” modifier billing information for therapeutic CGM and “adjunctive CGM (E2102) incorporated into an insulin infusion pump and the supply allowance (code A4238)”
Added: HCPCS codes E2102 and A4238 to KF modifier billing instruction
Removed: Billing instruction for therapeutic CGMs billed for DOS from January 12, 2017 through June 30, 2017
Added: Billing instruction for adjunctive CGMs and adjunctive CGM disposable supplies for DOS on or before March 31, 2022
Added: Billing instruction for adjunctive CGMs and adjunctive CGM disposable supplies for DOS on or after April 1, 2022
Added: “There are currently no stand-alone adjunctive CGMs on the United States Market which meet the definition of DME.”
Added: “adjunctive CGMs incorporated into an insulin infusion pump may meet the definition of DME” and reference to the “External Infusion Pumps LCD (L33794)” for billing information
Revised: References to items included in CGM system supply allowance
Revised: Statement regarding supplies used with a non-covered CGM
Added: HCPCS code A4238 to supply quantity information
Clarified: A 90-day supply of CGM supplies may be dispensed
Removed: Reference to “CMS Ruling 1682R” and requirements of DME benefit statement
Removed: Coding guideline information for HCPCS codes A9276 and A9278
Added: Coding guideline information for HCPCS code A9279
03/24/2022: At this time 21st Century Cures Act applies to new and revised LCDs which require comment and notice. This revision is to an article that is not a local coverage determination.
Note: The information contained in this article is only a summary of revisions to the LCDs and/or PAs. For complete information on any topic, you must review the LCDs and/or PAs.
With the update(s) listed above, Noridian would like to remind users how to find the policy that was previously effective. When billing, the supplier should follow guidance that was effective on the date of service. The below steps can be followed to find all previous policies:
- Open the currently effective policy on the Medical Coverage Database (MCD)
- Links to the MCD can be found on the Active LCDs page on the Noridian website
- There is a link at the top of the Active LCD page that goes to a full list of the LCDs or PAs, depending on which link is selected OR
- There are direct links to all LCDs under the ‘LCD ID number and Effective Date' column
- Links to the MCD can be found on the Active LCDs page on the Noridian website
- Scroll down to the bottom of the policy
- Find the section labeled Public Version(s)
- Look for the link to the policy that was effective on the dates of service in question
- Click on hyperlink to go to the policy