Article Detail - JA DME
RR Modifier Rejected in Error - Resolved 05/24/23
Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Not applicable.
Reason Codes: CARC 4, RARC N519
Claim Coding Impact: RR modifier
Description of Issue: An issue with the RR pricing modifier caused claims to reject front-end at CEDI between 05/05/23 and 05/06/23. Pending claims that included the RR modifier that were processed may have rejected.
Noridian Action Required: Corrections to the RR modifier logic were made on 05/05/23.
Provider/Supplier Action Required: Suppliers should resubmit the claims that were rejected between 05/05/23 and 05/06/23. If any pending claims were rejected, those should be resubmitted.
Proposed Resolution/Solution: Suppliers that have claims with the RR modifier that were rejected at CEDI should resubmit those claims. Suppliers that had claims with the RR modifier reject with CARC 4 and RARC N519 should resubmit those claims.
Date Reported: 05/08/23
Date Resolved: 05/24/23