Top Non-Affirmation Reasons for Orthotics - JA DME
Top Non-Affirmation Reasons for Orthotics
The Jurisdiction A, DME MAC, Medical Review Department conducts Prior Authorization (PA) reviews for select durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) items per the CMS. The quarterly non-affirmation results from October 2024 – December 2024 pertaining to medical necessity and replacement criteria are as follows:
Top Reasons for Orthoses Non-Affirmation:
- Medical record documentation does not support the beneficiary has had a recent injury or a surgical procedure on the knee(s). Refer to Local Coverage Determination L33318 and Policy Article A52465.
- This accounts for 16% of the non-affirmations.
- Medical record documentation does not demonstrate an objective description of joint laxity. Refer to Local Coverage Determination L33318 and Policy Article A52465.
- This accounts for 15% of the non-affirmations.
- Documentation does not include verification that the equipment was lost, stolen, or irreparably damaged in a specific incident. Refer to Medicare Claims Processing Manual 100-04, Chapter 20, Section 50 & Standard Documentation Requirements A55426.
- This accounts for 9% of the non-affirmations.
- Documentation demonstrates the requested item has been delivered and is therefore not eligible for Prior Authorization.
- This accounts for 8% of the non-affirmations.
Educational Resources
Suppliers billing Medicare should be familiar with the documentation requirements and utilization parameters. Visit the Orthotics webpage to access coverage documents (Local Coverage Determination (LCD), Policy Article, National Coverage Determination (NCD)); documentation letters, forms, and checklists; reviews; tips; tools; resources; related articles; and educational events and tutorials, if applicable.
Suppliers can view resources related to applicable HCPCS codes, submitting PA requests, documentation requirements, educational resources and CMS Resources via the Required Prior Authorization Programs webpage.
Noridian provides education via supplier workshops, training opportunities, and presentations. See the CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-08, Medicare Program Integrity Manual, Chapter 3 information about probe/error validation reviews.
LCD and Policy Education
For codes L1832, L1833, L1843, L1845, L1850, L1851 and L1852, knee instability must be documented by examination of the beneficiary and objective description of joint laxity (e.g., varus/valgus instability, anterior/posterior Drawer test).
Claims for L1832, L1833, L1843, L1845, L1850, L1851 or L1852 will be denied as not reasonable and necessary when the beneficiary does not meet the above criteria for coverage. For example, they will be denied if only pain or a subjective description of joint instability is documented.
The definition of replacement is found in the CMS Benefit Policy Manual (Internet-only manual 100-02), Chapter 15, Section 110.2.C. That section generally defines replacement as the provision of an entire identical or nearly identical item when it is lost, stolen or irreparably damaged.
Beneficiary owned items or a capped rental item may be replaced in cases of loss or irreparable damage. Irreparable damage may be due to a specific accident or to a natural disaster (e.g., fire, flood). Contractors may request documentation confirming details of the incident (e.g., police report, insurance claim report).
Replacement of items due to irreparable wear takes into consideration the Reasonable Useful Lifetime (RUL) of the item. The RUL of DME is determined through program instructions. In the absence of program instructions, carriers may determine the RUL, but in no cases can it be less than 5 years. If the item has been in continuous use by the beneficiary on either rental or purchase basis for its RUL, the beneficiary may elect to obtain a replacement.
Prior to furnishing the item to the beneficiary and submitting the claim for processing, a requester must submit a prior authorization request. The request must include evidence that the item complies with all applicable Medicare coverage, coding, and payment rules. Consistent with 42 CFR § 414.234(d), such evidence must include the order, relevant information from the beneficiary's medical record, and relevant supplier-produced documentation. It is a condition of payment to have the prior authorization prior to providing the item.