Fee Schedule Lookup Tool

The Fee Schedule Lookup Tool provided by the PDAC contractor is called the:

DME Coding System (DMECS)

Drug and Oral Anti-Cancer Drug fee schedules are not available in DMECS. View them on the Noridian DME Fee Schedules webpage.

The search tools within DMECS include:

Search by Keyword or HCPCS Code for either Active HCPCS Codes or All HCPCS Codes.

All or part of the word or code may be used.

Source data is the current HCPCS file.

Search for a modifier description.

Either the modifier or part of the description may be used.

Source data is the current HCPCS file.

Search the Product Classification List (PCL) for products that have been assigned a code by the PDAC using one or more of the following:

  • Manufacturer/Distributor Name
  • HCPCS Code
  • Product Name
  • Product Model
  • Classification

Only the products coded by the PDAC, or the former SADMERC are listed.

Search for a fee schedule for a certain HCPCS code and/or Date of Service.

Source data is the current CMS fee schedule.

Search for a ZIP Code to determine whether it is a Rural ZIP code.

Source data is the current CMS ZIP Code file.

The quarterly fee schedule can be exported to CSV or viewed on the CMS website.

Last Updated Sep 18 , 2024