Claims With CMN/DIF on File for DOS on/after 01/01/23 - Resolved 02/07/23

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Suppliers of HCPCS that have a current CMN/DIF on file

Reason Codes: Not applicable

Claim Coding Impact: Any HCPCS that requires a CMN/DIF

Description of Issue: The Common Working File is rejecting some claims with dates of service on/after 01/01/23 when there is a current CMN/DIF on file. Claims are being held until the error is corrected at the Common Working File.

Noridian Action Required: Noridian is awaiting a fix from CWF. Noridian will provide updates as received.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: Not applicable.

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Claims are being held. No action.

02/07/23 - Claims have been released.

Date Reported: 01/26/23

Date Resolved: 02/07/23


Last Updated Feb 08 , 2023