Therapeutic Shoes - JD DME
Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes
- Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Local Coverage Determination (LCD)
- Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Policy Article
- Standard Documentation Requirements for All Claims Submitted to DME MACs
- Clinician Checklist Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes - Checklist to assist clinicians with coverage and documentation requirements
- Clinician Letter - Medical Records - Letter may be sent to clinicians to assist in obtaining documentation
- Clinician Letter - Therapeutic Shoes For Persons With Diabetes: Physician Documentation Requirements - Letter may be sent to clinicians to assist in obtaining documentation
- Statement of Certifying Physician for Therapeutic Shoes
- Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Documentation Checklist - Checklist to ensure suppliers gather all required documentation
- Medical Review - View notifications/findings of pre/post claim reviews completed by Noridian Medical Review
Documentation Required in Medical Record
Certifying Physician
- Documentation of in-person visit with beneficiary during which diabetes management is addressed within 6 months prior to delivery of shoes/inserts
- Documentation of one or more of criteria 2a-2f (only when they are prescribing practitioner)
Prescribing Practitioner
- Documentation of one or more of criteria 2a-2f
- Claim indicates that beneficiary has diabetes
- Conduct and document in-person evaluation
- At time of delivery, conduct an objective assessment of the fit of shoes and inserts and document results
Practitioner Activity Timeline
Activity | Practitioner | Requirements |
Visit to document diabetes mellitus management | Certifying MD/DO, NP/PA "incident to", NP PCF Demonstration Project | Within 6 months prior to delivery |
Visit to document qualifying foot condition | Certifying MD/DO, other MD/DO, Podiatrist, PA, NP, CNS | Within 6 months prior to delivery |
Complete the Certification Statement | Certifying MD/DO, NP/PA "incident to" supervising MD/DO must verify (sign/date), NP PCF Demonstration Project |
Sign the SWO | Treating Practitioner: Certifying MD/DO, other MD/DO, Podiatrist, PA, NP, CNS | After visit with the treating practitioner |
Supplier Activity Timeline
Activity | Supplier | Requirements |
Selection Visit | Supplier | Prior to selecting the specific items that will be provided |
Fit Assessment/Delivery Visit | Supplier | After selection visit |
Claim Submission | Supplier |
NP or PA as Certifying Physician
NP Participant of PCF Model Demonstration Project | NP or PA Practicing "incident to" Certifying Physician |
Acts as certifying physician | Acts as certifying physician |
Performs exam | Performs exam |
Documents in medical record | Documents in medical record, supervising physician signs, dates and indicates agreement |
Completes certification statement | Completes certification statement, supervising physician co-signs |
Criteria 2
- To meet criteria 2, certifying physician (MD/DO, NP/PA practicing "incident to", NP part of PCF Demonstration Project) must either:
- Personally document one or more of criteria 2a-2f in medical record if they have performed foot exam and prescribed shoes; or
- MD/DO - Obtain, initial, date/sign (prior to or on same day as signing certification statement) and indicate agreement (I agree) with information from medical records of an exam and order from a podiatrist, other MD or D.O., physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist, practicing independently, that documents one of more of criteria 2a-2f. It is not specific as to where agreement exists but must be included on actual medical record
- NP/PA practicing "incident to" - Documents in medical record, then supervising physician signs, dates and indicates agreement. NP/PA completes certification statement. Supervising physician co-signs
- NP part of PCF Demonstration Project - Documents in medical record and completes certification statement
- Some foot deformity examples include bunions and hammertoes but are not limited to these
The criteria can be found in the Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Policy Article (A52501).
Criteria 3
- Certifying physician is not required to document a foot exam and/or need for diabetic shoes in his/her medical record when they are NOT prescribing physician. If provider who prescribed shoes has documented one or more of conditions 2A-2F and certifying physician has dated/initialed and indicated agreement with those records prior to signing Certification Statement, criteria 2 will be met. Records are not required to match if Certifying Physician has agreed with records of provider who prescribed shoes and performed foot exam
- When suppliers are reviewing physician's medical records for a comprehensive plan of care, physician must have documented in those notes what is occurring with beneficiary's diabetes and how are they managing their diabetes. This will be different for every beneficiary and their condition. May include adjusting medications/monitoring their diet/exercise regimen/reviewing their blood sugar logs or getting labs like A1C
- A provider other than the certifying physician can provide order for shoes and do foot exam but MD/DO or NP/PA as certifying physician must be treating beneficiary for their diabetic condition. The beneficiary must be seen within six months prior to delivery of shoes. This requirement is the same whether suppliers are in a rural area or not
The criteria can be found in the Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Policy Article (A52501).
Criteria 4
- When custom molded inserts are provided by suppliers, suppliers must conduct and document taking impressions, making casts, or obtaining CAD-CAM images of feet. This must be conducted each year beneficiary is receiving shoes. For all shoes, taking measurements of the beneficiary's feet is also required each year
The criteria can be found in the Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Policy Article (A52501).
Criteria 5
- To meet criterion five, at time of in-person delivery to beneficiary of items selected, supplier must conduct an objective assessment of fit of shoe and inserts and document results. This is to verify that shoes/inserts properly fit beneficiary. A beneficiary's subjective statements regarding fit as sole documentation of in-person delivery does not meet this criterion. Some examples of what would be in "fitting" chart note for an objective assessment will include quantifying data. There should be objective information about what fitter observed. E.g., foot box fits properly, length and width are appropriate, beneficiary walked a few steps and there was no rubbing, etc. It is not a requirement that beneficiary ambulate while wearing shoes
Therapeutic Shoes vs Orthopedic Footwear
Medicare has limited coverage provisions for shoes, inserts, and shoe modifications used by beneficiaries. In order to be eligible for coverage, such items must qualify in either:
- the benefit category for therapeutic shoes provisioned in the treatment of a diabetes-related condition(s) or
- the benefit category for leg braces (to which the shoes and related items would be considered for coverage as integral components of the leg brace).
More information is available in: Medicare Coverage for Shoes - Correct Coding - Revised
Therapeutic Shoes vs Orthopedic Footwear - Shoes, Inserts, Shoe Transfer, Modifications Covered in Limited Circumstances
- Coverage includes select diabetic beneficiaries
- To prevent/treat diabetic foot ulcers
- View Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Policy Article (A52501) for appropriate codes
- Orthopedic shoes covered if integral part of covered leg brace
- Search applicable brace codes in Orthopedic Footwear Policy Article (A52481)
- Shoes incorporated into a brace must be billed by same supplier billing for brace
- When initially providing brace
- Shoes billed separately (i.e., not as part of brace) deny noncovered
- Shoes/related modifications, inserts, heel/sole replacements, shoe transfers
- Only covered when shoe is integral part of covered leg brace
- Must be medically necessary for proper functioning of brace
- Must be billed with KX modifier or will deny noncovered, statutorily excluded
- Shoe Transfers to beneficiary owned item
- All suppliers are allowed to provide replacement shoes or braces when the shoe is an integral part of a covered leg brace. When billing the transfer, follow the Orthopedic Footwear Policy Article (A52481) for shoe transfers. A KX modifier must be added to the code. An order is not required for the transfer of a shoe to a brace
Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants as Certifying Physicians for Therapeutic Shoes and Inserts
- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has recently provided guidance to the DME MACs about the delegation of certifying physician (MD or DO) comprehensive management of diabetes responsibilities to nurse practitioners (NP) and physician assistants (PA) prescribing therapeutic shoes and inserts for persons with diabetes. This clarification is specific to NPs and PAs who are practicing under the supervision of an MD or DO (i.e., "incident to") and does not extend to NPs who practice independently (i.e., bill under their own NPI).
- Services and Supplies Furnished Incident to a Physician's/NPP's Professional Service CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 15, Section 60
Partial Foot, Shoe Insert (Toe Fillers), and Shoe Inserts for Diabetics - Coding Based on Benefit Category - Correct Coding
Guidance for billing Partial Foot, Shoe Insert (Toe Fillers), and Shoe Inserts for Diabetics is found in the article Partial Foot, Shoe Insert (Toe Fillers), and Shoe Inserts for Diabetics - Coding Based on Benefit Category - Correct Coding
Primary Care First Model Demonstration Project - Nurse Practitioners as Certifying Physicians for Therapeutic Shoes and Inserts
CMS is exercising its authority under the Primary Care First (PCF) model to waive Section 1861(s)(12) of the Act and the implementing regulations at 42 CFR 410.12 to allow nurse practitioners to certify that an order for diabetic shoes is required according to Section 1861(s)(12). Additional information, including the PCF Participant list and the Participating Regions and Payer Partners, are at the bottom of the PCF model page.
RT/LT Modifiers
Suppliers must bill each item on two separate claim lines using the RT and LT modifiers and 1 UOS on each claim line. Claim lines for HCPCS codes requiring use of the RT and LT modifiers, billed without the RT and/or LT modifiers or with the RTLT on a single claim line, will be rejected as incorrect coding
- Clarification of Criterion 5 - Per the LCD, "The in-person evaluation of the beneficiary by the supplier at the time of delivery…must be conducted with the beneficiary wearing the shoes and inserts and must document that the shoes/inserts/modifications fit properly."
- PDAC Coding Guidelines for Off-the-Shelf Diabetic Shoes (A5500) - The information presented in this article comes from the Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes Local Coverage Determination (L33369) and related Policy Article (A52501), coding language, coding guidelines, and assessment of samples that have been submitted to the PDAC for Code Verification Review.
- CMS Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters (MM) 7674574