Documentation Checklists - JD DME
Documentation Checklists
View documentation checklists created to help suppliers ensure all applicable documentation is readily available as part of Medicare claims payment and processing activities. These checklists include the documentation required for payment and retention of that payment in the event of a review by entities looking at documentation today and in the future.
Standard Documentation Checklist
Standard Documentation Requirements apply to all DMEPOS categories.
Standard Documentation Requirements Checklist - Printable Version
DMEPOS Categories Documentation Checklists
- Ankle-Foot/Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthosis
- Automatic External Defibrillators
- Canes and Crutches
- Continuous Glucose Monitors
- Enteral Nutrition
- External Breast Prostheses
- External Infusion Pumps
- Glucose Monitors and Supplies
- Hospital Beds and Accessories
- Immunosuppressive Drugs
- Intravenous Immune Globulin
- Knee Orthosis
- Lower Limb Prostheses
- Lymphedema Compression Treatment Items
- Manual Wheelchairs
- Nebulizers and Respiratory Drugs
- Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
- Oral Anticancer Drugs
- Osteogenesis Stimulators
- Ostomy Supplies
- Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment
- Parenteral Nutrition
- Patient Lifts
- Pneumatic Compression Devices - Dates of Service On or After November 14, 2024
- Pneumatic Compression Devices - Dates of Service Prior to November 14, 2024
- Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices
- Power Mobility Devices
- Power Wheelchair: Group 1, 2 and 3 No Power Option and Custom
- Power Wheelchair: Group 2 and 3 Single and Multiple Power Option
- Push Rim Activated Power Assist Device
- Refractive Lenses
- Respiratory Assist Devices - E0470 and E0471
- Spinal Orthoses
- Suction Pumps
- Support Surfaces: Group 1
- Support Surfaces: Group 2
- Support Surfaces: Group 3
- Surgical Dressings
- Therapeutic Shoes
- Tracheostomy Care Supplies
- Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulators (TENS)
- Upper Limb Orthoses
- Urological Supplies
- Walkers