New Supplier New Biller

Are you a new supplier or biller just starting to bill Medicare for Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics or Supplies DMEPOS items? Explore the below to gain additional DMEPOS knowledge and familiarize yourself with what the Noridian website has to offer.

Topic of Interest Brief Details
Check out the New Supplier Training Opportunity and Checklist If you are new to Medicare and/or to Noridian, access the New Supplier Training Checklist as it includes a comprehensive list of pre-recorded tutorial titles that can be accessed via our "DME on Demand" webpage. Topics such as: Getting Started, Standard Documentation, Claim Submission and Billing, Miscellaneous Resources, and Policy Specific Resources.
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  3. Select "Add to Favorites" in Internet Explorer or "Bookmark This Page…" or "Add Bookmark…" in other web browsers.
  4. Select "OK" to add the bookmark.
  5. To use the bookmark, go back into the "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" menu, and then select the bookmark from the list. It will open the bookmarked page.
Visit Website Tour The Site Tour webpage provides for a high-level overview of the different Noridian website sections and corresponding navigation menus.
View Site Map The Site Map provides a listing of primary and secondary website contents along with contact information.
Understand Benefits of Electronic Claim Submission Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) provides the ability to quickly and efficiently exchange healthcare information in a safe, secure, and cost-effective way. Establishing an electronic communication link, allows you to exchange data between your office and Noridian. View details on the Common Electronic Data Interchange (CEDI) - Electronic Claim Submission webpage.
Be Aware of Self-Service Options Available

As required by the CMS, if a supplier calls the Contact Center, speaks with a Customer Service Representative (CSR) and requests beneficiary and/or claims related information that is available in the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) or the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP), the CSR shall inform the caller that the information requested is available via the IVR or in NMP and will direct him/her to these options.

Supplier uses a telephone to retrieve information.

  • View IVR webpage for availability and use details.

Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP)
Supplier uses a computer and internet to retrieve information. There is no cost for this service. The only expense to the healthcare provider is the cost for the Internet service provided to your business. Multiple people, each with their own user id, can be registered and using the application at the same time. Intake staff can be verifying eligibility while billing staff is reviewing the payment status of last month's claims.

Become familiar with Articles on "Latest Updates" View the Latest Updates webpage for CMS and Noridian news and informational articles.
Sign Up for Noridian DME Email Newsletter Be the first to receive "Latest Updates" articles in your inbox. Become a Noridian email subscriber and receive our weekly emails.
Locate Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) Access the active LCDs and Policy Articles for the equipment/supplies provided. LCDs provide suppliers with coverage criteria, HCPCS codes, and documentation requirements; while the Policy Article, within the LCD, provides non-coverage information and coding guidelines.
View Training/ Events Noridian offers a variety of ways to attend trainings and/or access educational material from the Education and Outreach webpage. For one-on-one claim submission related training session with a Provider Outreach and Education representative, complete and submit the "Electronic Supplier Visit (E-Visit) Request Form." Other educational topics of interest include: Ask the Contractor Teleconferences, CMS Medicare Learning Network (MLN), DME on Demand Tutorials, the Provider Outreach and Education (POE) Advisory Group, and the Schedule of Events.
Access the Supplier Manual Visit the Supplier Manual. It provides links to information about Medicare enrollment, documentation requirements, DMEPOS, electronic and paper claim submission, crossover claims, coverage, benefit categories, and medical policy, Indian Health Services, Medicare Secondary Payer, pricing, Reopenings/Appeals, fraud and abuse, overpayments/ refunds, and coding and other system outputs.
Access Tools Become familiar with the various educational tools available to assist suppliers with items such as: consolidated billing, enteral nutrition calculator, IVR conversion tool, Nebulizer drug calculators, Prior Authorization Look up Tool and many more.
Download or Print Fee Schedules Visit the Fee Schedules webpage for current and archived fees.
Last Updated Mar 19 , 2025