J7677 Denied in Error - Resolved 02/27/23

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Not applicable

Reason Codes: M25, N115

Claim Coding Impact: HCPCS Code J7677

Description of Issue: Claims with billed with HCPCS code J7677 and submitted between 12/05/22 and 12/29/22 denied in error due to a claims system logic issue.

Noridian Action Required: Noridian corrected the claims system logic on 12/29/22.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: No action required at this time.

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Noridian will mass adjust the impacted claims.

01/25/23 - Further research is required to complete mass adjustments. Additional updates will be provided as they are available.

02/01/23 - The issue is still being researched. Noridian will provide additional updates as they are available.

02/14/23 - Noridian has started adjustments and expects to complete initiating adjustments the week of 02/20/23.

02/27/23 - Noridian initiated the mass adjustments.

Date Reported: 12/29/22

Date Resolved: 02/27/23

Last Updated Mar 09 , 2023