Sequestration Rate Taken in Error - Resolved 03/01/22

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Not applicable.

Reason Codes: Not applicable.

Claim Coding Impact: Not applicable.

Description of Issue: The sequestration rate was applied to claims with dates of service from 01/01/22-01/20/22 when it should not have, since the suspension of the payment adjustment has been extended.

Noridian Action Required: Mass adjustments will be initiated to pay claims without the sequestration rate applied.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: Not applicable

Proposed Resolution/Solution: Mass adjustments will be initiated to pay claims without the sequestration rate applied.

03/01/22 - Noridian initiated the mass adjustments.

Date Reported: 01/24/22

Date Resolved: 03/01/22


Last Updated Mar 02 , 2022