Face-to-Face and WOPD CMS Required List HCPCS Code Lookup Tool

Determine which HCPCS codes require a Face-to-Face practitioner visit within six months preceding the order and the Written Order Prior to Delivery (WOPD) from the CMS Required List


Enter HCPCS Code:

  • A WOPD is a completed SWO that is communicated to the DMEPOS supplier before delivery of the item(s).
  • Face-to-Face Encounter - Is a practitioner visit with a beneficiary within six (6) months preceding the order. The six-month timeframe requirement is only for items on the CMS F2F and WOPD Required List. A qualifying face-to-face encounter is required each time a new order/prescription for one of the specified items on the Required List is ordered.
  • Written Order Prior to Delivery (WOPD) - Certain items require a completed SWO that is communicated to the DMEPOS supplier prior to the item’s delivery. The WOPD must be on file with the supplier within six months of the F2F encounter. The WOPD follows the same documentation requirements as the Standard Written Order (SWO); the only difference is the timeliness requirement of the order (prior to delivery versus prior to claim submission). Applicable codes can be found on the Required List.
  • Refer to applicable policy for requirements.
Last Updated Aug 09 , 2024