Article Detail - JF Part A
Billing and Coding: MolDX: Plasma-Based Genomic Profiling in Solid Tumors (A58975) Final Billing and Coding Article - Effective December 26, 2022
This Local Coverage Determination (LCD) has completed the Open Public Meeting and is now finalized under contractor numbers: 02101 (AK), 02201 (ID), 02301 (OR), 02401 (WA), 03101 (AZ), 03201 (MT), 03301 (ND), 03401 (SD), 03501 (UT), and 03601 (WY).
Medicare Coverage Database (MCD) Number/Contractor Determination Number: A58975
Billing and Coding Title: Billing and Coding MolDX: Plasma-Based Genomic Profiling in Solid Tumors
Effective Date: December 26, 2022
Summary of LCA: The information in this article contains billing, coding or other guidelines that complement the Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for MolDX: Plasma-Based Genomic Profiling in Solid Tumors L39232.
Visit the Proposed LCDs webpage to access this Billing and Coding Article.