Webinar on Demand Recordings

We are currently offering the following recorded webinars. They are available 24/7 to meet your training needs.

No teleconference fees apply. Events are available via GoToStage which requires an Internet connection.

Questions - The question-and-answer portion from the live presentation will be included in the recording of the live events for educational purposes. All responses are current to the date the live event occurred.

Transcription Available - For live presentations held after September 1, 2023, a transcription feature is available. The transcript will show up as an option below the recording in GoToStage.

Event Materials - Event Materials may be requested by emailing registrations@noridian.com with "Recording material" and the specific event title in the subject line.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - CEUs will not be available for watching/listening to recorded events.

Disclaimer - Not every live event will be posted to GoToStage. All live events that do get posted will be uploaded within two weeks of the live event and will expire after six months.

Last Updated May 10 , 2024

Listing of Events

Title Recording
03/26/2024 Manage Diabetes with Confidence Using CGM 09/26/2024 JADME JDDME
02/21/2024 Principles of NPIs 09/27/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
03/13/2024 PECOS Introduction and Overview 09/27/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
03/19/2024 Worksheet S-10 09/27/2024 JEA JFA
03/20/2024 CMS and Noridian Web Tours 09/27/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
04/02/2024 Prior Authorization - Power Mobility Devices 10/02/2024 JADME JDDME
04/03/2024 Lower Limb Prostheses LLP 10/03/2024 JADME JDDME
03/20/2024 Enrollment Rebuttals, Reconsiderations, and CAPs 10/04/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
03/21/2024 Incident To 10/04/2024 JEB JFB
03/21/2024 Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Coverage 10/04/2024 JEA JFA
03/26/2024 New Provider New Biller 10/04/2024 JEA JFA
03/27/2024 Medical Oncology Services 10/04/2024 JEB JFB
03/28/2024 Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Billing Requirements 10/04/2024 JEA JFA
04/04/2024 Negative Pressure Wound Therapy 10/04/2024 JADME JDDME
04/09/2024 Power Mobility Devices - Coverage and Coding 10/09/2024 JADME JDDME
04/10/2024 Oral Anticancer Drugs 10/10/2024 JADME JDDME
04/10/2024 Power Mobility Devices - Documentation 10/10/2024 JADME JDDME
04/11/2024 Respiratory Assist Device (RAD) 10/11/2024 JADME JDDME
04/16/2024 Manual Wheelchair Bases 10/17/2024 JADME JDDME
04/16/2024 Wheelchairs Options, Accessories, and Seating 10/18/2024 JADME JDDME
04/18/2024 DME Recoupment 10/18/2024 JADME JDDME
03/26/2024 Manage Diabetes with Confidence Using CGM 10/22/2024 JEB JFB
04/02/2024 Quarterly Medicare Updates - AB 10/22/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/03/2024 Enrollment Options for the Individual Provider 10/22/2024 JEB JFB
04/10/2024 Sole Proprietor and Sole Owner Differences 10/22/2024 JEB JFB
04/11/2024 Quarterly Medicare Updates - AB - After Hours 10/22/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/04/2024 Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Coverage Requirements 10/29/2024 JEA JFA
04/17/2024 All You Need is Love and Documentation 10/29/2024 JEB JFB
04/17/2024 The Classics and Remixes: Hot Topics at CMS 10/29/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/17/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Auditions to Become Medicare’s Next Greatest Hit 10/29/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/17/2024 Common Laboratory Lyric Denials and How to Avoid Disharmony 10/29/2024 JEB JFB
04/17/2024 Anthems of Anesthesia Billing: Review of Golden Oldies and Today's Top Hits 10/29/2024 JEB JFB
04/17/2024 Federally Qualified Health Center FQHC Symphony - Overcoming Key Errors with Harmonious Solutions 10/29/2024 JEA JFA
04/18/2024 PECOS Can Help 10/29/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/18/2024 Heavy Mental and Behavioral Health New Releases 10/29/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/18/2024 Jamming Out with Provider Audit and Reimbursement 10/29/2024 JEA JFA
04/18/2024 Missin’ You… Interrupted Stays Leaves and Transfers 10/29/2024 JEA JFA
04/18/2024 Tuning Up with Part B Telehealth 10/29/2024 JEB JFB
04/18/2024 Oxygen "On the Radio" and Sleep Studies (PAP) Top Denials and Solutions 10/29/2024 JEB JFB
04/17/2024 Physician Assistants and Practice Ownership 10/31/2024 JEB JFB
04/23/2024 Compliance Training - Using Third Party Billing Companies 10/31/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/24/2024 MFT, MHC and LCSW Enrolling as Practice Owners 10/31/2024 JEB JFB
05/01/2024 Pressure Reducing Support Surfaces (PRSS) - Group 1 and 2 11/01/2024 JADME JDDME
05/02/2024 Pressure Reducing Support Surfaces (PRSS) - Group 3 11/07/2024 JADME JDDME
05/07/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 1: Initial Coverage Criteria 11/07/2024 JADME JDDME
05/08/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 2: Continued Coverage 11/08/2024 JADME JDDME
05/09/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 3-Billing and Modifiers 11/09/2024 JADME JDDME
05/14/2024 Ostomy Supplies 11/14/2024 JADME JDDME
05/15/2024 Top Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Denials and Resolutions 11/15/2024 JADME JDDME
05/22/2024 Manage Diabetes with Confidence Using Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) 11/22/2024 JEB JFB
02/20/2024 Behavioral Health Integration and Collaborative Care Model 11/27/2024 JEB JFB
04/25/2024 New Provider New Biller 11/27/2024 JEB JFB
04/30/2024 National Correct Coding Initiatives 11/27/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
04/30/2024 Cost Report Submission Basics 11/27/2024 JEA JFA
05/01/2024 Enrollment Ownership Managerial Reporting 11/27/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
05/02/2024 Critical Access Hospital (CAH) Billing 11/27/2024 JEA JFA
05/08/2024 Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Agreement 11/27/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
05/09/2024 Prolonged Service - G2212 11/27/2024 JEB JFB
05/15/2024 What is a CHOW? 11/27/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
05/16/2024 Mental Health Basics 11/27/2024 JEB JFB
05/22/2024 Enrollment Letters and Requests for Information 11/27/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
05/22/2024 Bad Debt and Utilization Review 11/27/2024 JEA JFA
05/28/2024 Ventilators 11/28/2024 JADME JDDME
06/04/2024 Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices 12/04/2024 JADME JDDME
06/05/2024 Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Level 200 12/05/2024 JADME JDDME
06/05/2024 Website Wednesday- An Introduction to Noridian Medicare Website 12/06/2024 JADME JDDME
06/06/2024 Claims and Appeals 12/06/2024 JADME JDDME
06/13/2024 Upper Limb Orthoses 12/13/2024 JADME JDDME
05/21/2024 Hydration Services Billing 12/14/2024 JEA JFA
05/23/2024 Mental Health Documentation 12/14/2024 JEB JFB
05/28/2024 Radiation Treatment Management (RTM) Billing 12/14/2024 JEB JFB
05/30/2024 End Stage Renal Disease Monthly Capitation Payments - Medical Review Top Errors 12/14/2024 JEB JFB
05/30/2024 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Fundamentals of Billing 101 12/14/2024 JEA JFA
06/05/2024 CMS Web Tours 12/14/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
06/05/2024 New PECOS Enrollment Applications 12/14/2024 JEA JEB JFA JFB
06/06/2024 Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility Services 12/14/2024 JEA JFA
06/18/2024 Spinal Orthoses 12/18/2024 JADME JDDME
06/18/2024 Claim Denial, Rebill, Reopen, or Redetermination 12/18/2024 JADME JDDME
06/19/2024 Website Wednesday - Noridian Medicare Portal and Claims 12/19/2024 JADME JDDME
06/19/2024 Website Wednesday - Policy Focused Tools 12/19/2024 JADME JDDME
06/20/2024 Knee Orthoses: Requirements to Provide and Bill 12/20/2024 JADME JDDME
06/20/2024 Prior Authorization - Pressure Reducing Support Surfaces (PRSS) 12/20/2024 JADME JDDME
06/12/2024 Enteral Nutrition 12/24/2024 JADME JDDME
06/04/2024 Enrollment Opt-Out of Medicare Option 12/24/2024 JEB JFB
06/12/2024 Complex Visit - G2211 12/24/2024 JEB JFB
06/12/2024 PECOS Application Data Entry 12/24/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/13/2024 Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage 12/24/2024 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/13/2024 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Probe and Educate Medical Review Results 12/24/2024 JEA JFA
06/18/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) Basics 01/02/2025 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/19/2024 Facet Joint Interventions for Pain Management 01/02/2025 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/19/2024 Noridian Medicare Website Tour 01/02/2025 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/19/2024 PECOS Application Final Steps 01/02/2025 JEA JFA JEB JFB
06/20/2024 Top Denials and Solutions - Q2 01/02/2025 JEB JFB
07/02/2024 Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes (TSPD) 01/02/2025 JADME JDDME
07/09/2024 Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment 01/09/2025 JADME JDDME
07/09/2024 Ankle Foot/Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses Basic Definitions and Coverage Criteria 01/09/2025 JADME JDDME
07/10/2024 Ankle Foot/Knee Ankle Foot Orthoses - Requirements to Provide and Bill 01/10/2025 JADME JDDME
07/10/2024 Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) Technical Knowledge 01/10/2025 JADME JDDME
07/11/2024 Advance Beneficiary Notice of Noncoverage (ABN) Applied Knowledge 01/11/2025 JADME JDDME
07/11/2024 Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) 01/11/2025 JADME JDDME
07/16/2024 Lymphedema Compression Treatment Items 01/16/2025 JADME JDDME
07/17/2024 Hospital Beds and Accessories 01/17/2025 JADME JDDME
07/18/2024 External Infusion Pumps - Billing, Coding, and Documentation 01/18/2025 JADME JDDME
07/23/2024 External Breast Prostheses 01/23/2025 JADME JDDME
07/23/2024 IVIG 01/23/2025 JADME JDDME
07/25/2024 Glucose Monitors and Testing Supplies 01/25/2025 JADME JDDME
06/26/2024 Identity and Access Personal Profile 01/31/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
06/27/2024 Identity and Access Connections 01/31/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
06/27/2024 Annual Wellness Visit 01/31/2025 JEB JFB
07/02/2024 Quarterly Medicare Updates - AB 01/31/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
07/17/2024 Provider Enrollment Basics and Overview 01/31/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
07/31/2024 Pneumatic Compression Devices Mini E0650-E0651 Coverage Criteria 01/31/2025 JADME JDDME
08/01/2024 Pneumatic Compression Devices Mini-Series - E0652 Coverage Criteria 02/01/2025 JADME JDDME
08/06/2024 Claims and Appeals 02/06/2025 JADME JDDME
08/08/2024 Prior Authorization - Orthoses 02/08/2025 JADME JDDME
08/14/2024 Immunosuppressive Drugs 02/14/2025 JADME JDDME
08/15/2024 General Documentation Requirements 02/15/2025 JADME JDDME
07/10/2024 Noridian Provider Enrollment Website Tour 02/19/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
07/31/2024 Provider Enrollment Tips for Addresses Site Visits and More 02/19/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
08/01/2024 Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programs 02/19/2025 JEA JFA
08/20/2024 Hospital Beds and Accessories 02/20/2025 JADME JDDME
08/21/2024 Durable Medical Equipment During Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility Home Health and Hospice Episodes 02/21/2025 JADME JDDME
08/27/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 1: Initial Coverage Criteria 02/27/2025 JADME JDDME
08/28/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 2: Continued Coverage 02/28/2025 JADME JDDME
08/29/2024 Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Mini-Series Part 3 Billing and Modifiers 02/28/2025 JADME JDDME
08/29/2024 Top Oxygen and Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Denials and Resolutions 02/28/2025 JADME JDDME
09/03/2024 Refractive Lenses 03/03/2025 JADME JDDME
09/05/2024 Urological Supplies 03/03/2025 JADME JDDME
09/04/2024 Manage Diabetes with Confidence Using Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) 03/04/2025 JADME JDDME
09/04/2024 Lower Limb Prostheses Prior Authorization 03/04/2025 JADME JDDME
09/04/2024 Website Wednesday - An Introduction to Noridian Medicare Website 03/04/2025 JADME JDDME
09/10/2024 Osteogenesis Stimulators 03/10/2025 JADME JDDME
07/25/2024 Appeals Basics 03/13/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
08/14/2024 Telehealth Enrollment Basics 03/13/2025 JEB JFB
08/20/2024 Evaluation and Management Services 03/13/2025 JEB JFB
08/21/2024 Opioid Treatment Program Enrollment 03/13/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
08/07/2024 Documentation Required for Provider Enrollment 03/15/2025 JEA JEB JFA JFB
08/22/2024 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule 03/15/2025 JEB JFB
Last Updated Sep 20 , 2024