Article Detail - JF Part A
Provide Ostomy Supplies Promptly - Provider Completion of Standard Written Orders
CMS heard from Medicare patients living with an ostomy that they’ve run out of supplies. Incomplete standard written orders (SWOs) or delayed physician signatures can cause late shipments. Providers can prevent this issue by returning the signed, dated, and completed SWO promptly to the supplier.
If the supplier bills for an item without first getting a completed SWO, we’ll deny the claim as not reasonable and necessary. Valid prescriptions must have all the same elements as the SWO. There isn’t an annual requirement for a new SWO (or prescription).
A complete SWO must have all the following elements:
- Beneficiary’s name or MBI
- Order date
- Description of the item: general description (for example, wheelchair or hospital bed), brand name and model number, HCPCS code, or HCPCS code narrative
- For supplies, you may order all supplies at the same time, even if you bill separately (Note: If you don’t order these items at the same time, you must include an order for payment purposes)
- Quantity to be dispensed (if applicable)
- Treating provider’s name or NPI
- Treating provider’s signature
More Information:
- Medicare Provider Compliance Tips for Ostomy Supplies educational tool
- Standard Documentation Requirements for All Claims Submitted to Durable Medical Equipment Medicare Administrative Contractors local coverage article
- Ostomy Supplies local coverage article
- Ostomy Supplies local coverage determination
- CMS MLN Connects dated June 30, 2022