Article Detail - JF Part A
MLN Connects Special Edition - July 15, 2022 - CMS Proposes Rule to Advance Health Equity, Improve Access to Care, & Promote Competition and Transparency
CMS is proposing actions to advance health equity and improve access to care in rural communities by establishing policies for Rural Emergency Hospitals (REH) and providing for payment for certain behavioral health services furnished via communications technology. Additionally, in line with President Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, the calendar year 2023 Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS) and Ambulatory Surgical Center Payment System proposed rule includes proposed enhanced payments under the OPPS and the Inpatient Prospective Payment System for the additional costs of purchasing domestically made NIOSH-approved surgical N95 respirators and a comment solicitation on competition and transparency in our nation's health care system.
More Information:
- Press release
- Proposed rule fact sheet
- REH fact sheet
- Proposed rule