Low-Volume End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Facility Payment Adjustment

The End-Stage Renal Disease Prospective Payment System (ESRD PPS) includes a payment adjustment for facilities providing a low-volume of services. To receive the low-volume payment adjustment, an ESRD facility must submit an attestation statement to their Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) by November 1 of each year preceding the payment year. This Attestation must indication that the facility meets all criteria:

  1. Furnished less than 4,000 treatments in each of the 3 cost reporting years (based on as-filed or final settled 12-consecutive month cost reports, whichever is most recent, except as specified in paragraphs (g)(4) and (5) of 42 CFR 413.232) preceding the payment year
  2. Has not opened, closed, or received a new provider number due to a change in ownership (except where the change in ownership results in a change in facility type) in the 3 cost reporting years (based on as-filed or final settled 12-consecutive month cost reports, whichever is most recent) preceding the payment year, except as specified in paragraph (g)(6) of 42 CFR 413.232.

Attestations can be submitted to Noridian through mail or email

Email: esrdlowvolumeattestations@noridian.com

Please visit our Mailing Addresses page if you would like to mail in your request.


Last Updated Apr 23 , 2024