Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Screening - JF Part A
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Screening
G0472 - Hepatitis C antibody screening, for individual at high risk and other covered indication(s)
- Annually only for high risk beneficiaries with continued illicit injection drug use since prior negative screening test
- Once in a lifetime for beneficiaries born between 1945 and 1965 who are not considered high risk
- Initial screening, regardless of birth year, who had a blood transfusion before 1992 and beneficiaries with current or past history of illicit injection drug use
Diagnosis Code
Initially high-risk
- Z72.89 - Other problems related to lifestyle
High risk with continued illicit injection drug use since prior screening
- Z72.89 - Other problems related to lifestyle; and
- F19.20 - Other psychoactive substance dependence, uncomplicated
- Ordered by primary care physician or practitioner; and
- Beneficiary must be either be:
- High risk for HCV infection
- Persons with current or past history of illicit injection drug use
- History of receiving blood transfusion prior to 1992
- Born between 1945 and 1965
- High risk for HCV infection
Copayment/coinsurance waived; Deductible waived
Noridian Medicare Portal
Yes - G0472
Last Updated Jan 09 , 2025