Need Assistance?

Need Assistance or Have an Event Related Inquiry? Email the below at least one day prior to the event to allow us time to respond appropriately. Be sure to include the event title in the email Subject line. A missing title will cause response delays.

Never Miss an Online Event


Registration and participation in GoToWebinar events can be done through the GoToWebinar product apps using a smart phone, iPad or tablet.

GoToWebinar for Android
GoToWebinar for iOS

Webinar Information

Noridian offers webinars using an Internet meeting forum software and audio conferencing. This is a convenient means to educate suppliers about various Medicare topics while offering attendees the opportunity to ask clarifying questions.


Registration may be completed using a:

Do not call the Suppliers Contact Center to register. Registration must be completed online.

To register:

  1. For best performance, it is recommended to use either Edge, Chrome, or FireFox for your browser
  2. Select an event title from Schedule of Events webpage
  3. Complete requested information and select "Submit"
  4. "Registration Confirmed" page will appear upon registration completion

NOTE: Registration is available until the scheduled webinar date but may close earlier if capacity has been met. When this occurs, no additional registrations will be accepted; however, those still interested may email to express his/her desire to attend the webinar. If enough demand is generated, another webinar will be scheduled to accommodate the requests.

Webinar Confirmation Email

  • Upon registration completion, a separate email, from, containing the event title, date, time and "Join Event" link (required to attend webinar) will be sent to registered email address
    • Please recognize as a safe address to ensure delivery of confirmation email
  • If confirmation is not received within 24 hours, check email SPAM or Junk folder
  • Still no registration confirmation? Contact us at

Providers may choose to attend our webinars using the teleconference call only (no computer visuals) feature; however, to receive the phone number via the registration email, online registration is still required.

Attending Webinar

Day of webinar/before calling

  1. For best performance, it is recommended to use either Edge, Chrome, or FireFox for your browser
  2. Sign into webinar (15 minutes prior to the event)
  3. Dial toll-free phone number, access/meeting #, and attendee # provided in pop-up box
  4. Computer screen will display webinar material, when made available

Note: For security reasons, Noridian is unable to access attendee's computers or organization's information. Computer audio functionality may or may not work with GoToWebinar depending on how it is set up. Calling in to events using the event phone number and audio pin works best for asking questions aloud.

Contact with webinar related inquiries and/or concerns.

Webinar Material

  • Materials (PDF file) must be downloaded from Handouts section of GoToWebinar attendee panel

Webinar Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

  • CEU certificate (PDF file) must be downloaded from Handouts section of GoToWebinar attendee panel

See the CEU webpage for additional details.

National DME MAC Education

Noridian and CGS collaborate to create and provide consistent education for our suppliers. Each of the topics below have the same Medicare policy and billing content, whether you attend a Noridian or CGS event:

  • Oxygen and Oxygen Equipment
  • Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices
  • Surgical Dressings
  • Therapeutic Shoes for Persons with Diabetes
Last Updated Aug 16 , 2024