CLIA Lab B7 Denials - Resolved 08/29/24

Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Lab providers

Reason Codes: Not applicable.

Claim Coding Impact: Lab services

Description of Issue: Noridian is aware of an claims processing issue involving lab services denying incorrectly with CARC B7, "This provider was not certified/eligible to be paid for this procedure/service on this date of service". The issue impacted claims processed within our systems on 07/23/24 through 07/25/24.

Noridian Action Required: The claims processing issue has been resolved. Noridian will conduct a mass adjustment for claims denied in error.

08/29/24 - Noridian initiated mass adjustments on 08/20/24.

08/15/24 - Noridian will initiate mass adjustments the week of August 19. Another update will be provided once all mass adjustments have been completed.

Provider/Supplier Action Required: None

Proposed Resolution/Solution: None

Date Reported: 07/31/24

Date Resolved: 08/29/24

Last Updated Sep 05 , 2024