Article Detail - JE Part B
CMS-855O Application - Enrollment for Eligible Ordering/Certifying Physicians and Other Eligible Professionals
Do You Only Order or Certify Services? Use Revised Enrollment Form CMS-855O by January 1
The revised Enrollment for Eligible Ordering/Certifying Physicians and Other Eligible Professionals (Form CMS-855O) is required beginning January 1, 2023. We’ll post it on the CMS Forms List ( ) by early fall.
Medicare Administrative Contractors will accept the current and revised versions of Form CMS- 855O through December 31, 2022. Visit the Medicare Provider Enrollment and Certification webpage ( for more information.
Changes to the form include:
- New title
- Uniform language across all CMS 855 applications
- Revised reporting requirements and formatting in Section 3: Final Adverse Legal Actions
- 8 new specialties, including Adult Congenital Heart Disease
- Corrections in response to public comments