Article Detail - JE Part B
Self Service Reopenings Denied in Error - Resolved 02/09/23
Provider/Supplier Type(s) Impacted: Providers who submit reopenings though the Noridian Portal
Reason Codes: CO 16
Claim Coding Impact: Not applicable.
Description of Issue: Noridian identified an issue that denied all Self Service Reopenings submitted through the Noridian Portal. This impacted reopenings submitted on 11/16/22 through 11/28/22.
Noridian Action Required: Noridian corrected the issue on 11/28/22.
Provider/Supplier Action Required: No provider action is required at this time.
Proposed Resolution/Solution: Noridian will mass adjust the impacted reopenings. The process will begin after 12/12/22 to allow the system to finish processing the adjustments, so claims may be re-adjusted.
12/20/22 - Noridian has initiated the mass adjustments.
01/31/23 - Noridian identified additional claims impacted by this issue and will perform additional mass adjustments.
02/09/23 - Noridian has initiated the additional mass adjustments.
Date Reported: 12/02/22
Date Resolved: 02/09/23