Multiple Transports Same Day - JF Part B
Ambulance Services: Multiple Transports on Same Day
Multiple trips for a single patient may occur in one day. Ambulance providers should bill such claims as indicated below.
- Multiple trips may be billed on one claim when all Point of Pickup (POP) zip codes are the same
- A separate claim for each trip must be billed when POP zip codes are different
- Include narrative/comment in Item 19 of CMS-1500 form or its equivalent which provides condensed reason why (up to 80 characters) multiple trips were necessary
- Narrative example: 8:15 a.m. returned home from hospital, 4:30 p.m. second transport same day
Providers may request a Redetermination if second claim denies as duplicate
Only one transport is allowed when both Advanced Life Support (ALS)/Basic Life Support (BLS) entity respond to a call
- Let's say BLS transports after ALS assessment furnished; whoever transports bills Medicare
- Transporting ambulance must obtain all medical record documentation
When an agreement exists amongst the two entities
- BLS may bill using an ALS1 rate
- Medicare pays BLS entity at an ALS1 rate
- Medicare does not regulate compensation between the two (ALS/BLS)
When no agreement exists
- Only BLS level may be billed by BLS
- Unless transport was beyond BLS scope, ALS services will not be covered