Telephone Reopening

To expedite the processing of reopenings, Medicare Part B offers Telephone Reopenings, 877-908-8431. The number of reopenings is limited to 5; however, will be reduced to 3 depending on call volumes.

Requirements when Calling to Request a Reopening

The following will be verified by either a representative or the IVR

  • National Provider Identifier (NPI)
  • Provider Transaction Access Number (PTAN)
  • Last 5 Digits of Tax Identification Number (TIN)

This information will be verified by a representative

  • State where the services were provided
  • Beneficiary's Medicare ID
  • Beneficiary's last name and first initial
  • Internal Control Number (ICN) of claim
  • Number of reopenings for the call
  • Corrective action that will be made on the claim

Additional details that may need to be verified

  • Date of service
  • Provider/Facility Name
  • Billed amount
  • Procedure code in question
  • Beneficiary's date of birth


Last Updated Dec 09 , 2022