Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) - JF Part B
Opioid Treatment Program (OTP)
Providers are in the best position to identify and manage potential opioid overutilization. The CMS finalized new opioid policies for Medicare drug plans starting on January 1, 2019. The new policies include improved safety alerts when opioid prescriptions are dispensed at the pharmacy and drug management programs for patients determined to be at-risk for misuse or abuse of opioids or other frequently abused drugs.
To view how to enroll in the Opioid Treatment Program, go to the Enrollment page.
Initial Preventative Physical Exam (IPPE)
During the IPPE, review the patient's medical and social history. Medicare would like to emphasize that review of opioid use is a routine component of this element, including Opioid Use Disorders (OUDs). If a patient is using opioids, assess the benefit from other, non-opioid pain therapies instead, even if the patient does not have OUD but is possibly at risk.):
- Review potential risk factors for depression and other mood disorders
- Review functional ability and level of safety
- Measurement of height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and visual acuity screening
- End-of-life planning (upon agreement of the individual)
- Education, counseling and referral based on the review of previous 5 components
- Education, counseling and referral for other preventive services, including a brief written plan such as a checklist
Annual Wellness Visit
During initial or subsequent AWVs, update medical and family history. Medicare would like to include opioid use in the ‘Review of Medical and Family History' element of the AWV. Providers are encouraged to pay close attention to opioid use during this element of the AWV. If a patient is using opioids, assess the benefit from other, non-opioid pain therapies instead, even if the patient does not have OUD but is possibly at risk.
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
The CDC has resources to help providers apply the "Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain."
Access the below documents from the "No Shortcuts to Safer Opioids Prescribing: CDC Commentary" section of the CMS MLN Connects - May 23, 2019.
- Pocket Guide: Tapering Opioids for Chronic Pain
- Quick-reference tool for when and how to taper and important considerations for safe and effective care
- CDC Opioid Prescribing Guideline Mobile App
- Apply recommendations in clinical practice, including a morphine milligram equivalent calculator, key recommendations, motivational interviewing techniques, resources, and glossary
- Applying CDC's Guideline for Prescribing Opioids Series
- Interactive, web-based training featuring 11 self-paced learning modules with case-based content, knowledge checks, and integrated resources
OTP Coverage
OTP started in 2020 to address beneficiary's substance use disorder that occurs when the use of alcohol or drugs (like opioids) cause health problems or disability. Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment (SUPPORT) Act was outlined to address the misuse.
Weekly Opioid Treatment Programs provide medication-assisted treatment for beneficiaries diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD):
- Must be certified and accredited by Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
- For certification, OTPs must comply with all pertinent regulations and state laws, including DEA or Drug Enforcement Administration regulations
- Specially enrolled and approved provider only bills OTP and cannot bill other Medicare non-OTP services
OUD weekly treatment services include:
- FDA-approved opioid medications and if applicable, administering or dispensing of those medications
- Important counseling piece for substance use that include both therapies, individual and group
- Toxicology testing may include both definitive and presumptive
- Any intake activities and assessing patient periodically
- CMS allows group or individual counseling with two-way interactive audio and video communication
- During public health emergency (PHE), therapy, counseling, and assessments may be furnished by telephone only, if all other requirements met
- Place of service = as if furnished in person and to indicate telehealth, append modifier 95
- Modifier 95 - counseling and therapy provided using audio-video telecommunications
- Modifier 93 or FQ - counseling and therapy provided using audio-only telecommunications
After the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) ends, CMS will allow audio-only interactions (like telephone calls) when audio-video communication NOT available to patient or can't agree to two-way audio-video communication
- HCPCS G2080 can be used for counseling and therapy via audio-video appending either modifier 95, or for audio only append modifier 93 or FQ
- New 2025 OTP HCPCS
- G0532 - Take-home supply of nasal nalmefene hydrochloride; one carton of two, 2.7 mg per 0.1 ml nasal sprays (provision of the services by a Medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); (list separately in addition to each primary code)-once every 30 days
- G0533 - Medication assisted treatment, buprenorphine (injectable) administered on a weekly basis; weekly bundle including dispensing and/or administration, substance use counseling, individual and group therapy, and toxicology testing if performed (provision of the services by a Medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program)- episodes of care lasting 7 days in a row
- G0534 - Coordinated care and/or referral services, such as to adequate and accessible community resources to address unmet health-related social needs, including harm reduction interventions and recovery support services a patient needs and wishes to pursue, which significantly limit the ability to diagnose or treat an opioid use disorder; each additional 30 minutes of services (provision of the services by a Medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); (list separately in addition to each primary code)
- G0535 - Patient navigational services, provided directly or by referral; including helping the patient to navigate health systems and identify care providers and supportive services, to build patient self-advocacy and communication skills with care providers, and to promote patient-driven action plans and goals; each additional 30 minutes of services (provision of the services by a Medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); (list separately in addition to each primary code)
- G0536 - Peer recovery support services, provided directly or by referral; including leveraging knowledge of the condition or lived experience to provide support, mentorship, or inspiration to meet oud treatment and recovery goals; conducting a person-centered interview to understand the patient's life story, strengths, needs, goals, preferences, and desired outcomes; developing and proposing strategies to help meet person-centered treatment goals; assisting the patient in locating or navigating recovery support services; each additional 30 minutes of services (provision of the services by a Medicare-enrolled opioid treatment program); (list separately in addition to each primary code)
- Special place of service (POS) 58 billing once per week
- No date span needed; bill first date treating beneficiary or standard weekly billing cycle
- OTP not considered physician services - no technical or professional code split
- Item 24J - Do not bill individual provider NPI - leave blank or bill OTP group NPI from Item 33
- Bill within 12-month timely filing after date of service
- Copayment waived
- Nine HCPCS G-codes (G2067-G2075) and if needed, 5 intensity add-on G-codes (G2076-G2080)
- Weekly drug treatments bundle for seven-day contiguous period with administering buprenorphine (oral, injectable, or implantable), other medications (naltrexone), methadone and non-drugs
- New HCPCS G0137 effective January 1, 2024
- Intensive outpatient services; minimum of nine services of 7-day contiguous day period
- Patient training and education with family counseling related to care and treatment
- Individual and group therapy with mental health professionals authorized by State law
- Excludes emergency use only opioid medications
- Beneficiary may see more than one OTP provider for weekly payment
- E.g., OTP clinician and separate licensed Mental Health provider in same week
- May be treated at another OTP (out of town) called "guest dosing"
- Need Prescribing practitioner referral name (Item 17) and NPI # (17B)
- No limit on length of time beneficiary needs OTP, as long as in treatment and receiving services
- No special billing diagnosis(es)
- 2021 HCPCS added: nasal (G2215) and injectable (G2216) naloxone
- 2022 established higher dose for Naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray, due to fentanyl overdose increase
- New HCPCS G1028 - take-home supply of nasal naloxone; 2-pack of 8mg per 0.1 mL nasal spray
- Original HCPCS G2215 - take-home supply of nasal naloxone; 2-pack of 4mg per 0.1 mL nasal spray
- Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Chapter II, Part 1304.03
- Practitioners must keep records and inventories on all controlled substances
- DEA record-keeping requirements for buprenorphine treatment beyond Schedule III
- Upon request, provide sufficient documentation to reflect clinical situation and services provided
- Check Noridian's Browse by Topic, under Documentation Requirements
OTP fees have own pricing, under Noridian's Fees and News, Fee Schedules and adjusted by geographic state and locality (by medication administered) and include:
- Drug costs = national average drug acquisition cost when Average Sales Pricing (ASP) not reported
- Non-drug costs = bundled delivery of counseling, exam, therapy, testing, assessments, intake activities, dispense and administer medications, etc.
Value in Treatment (ViT) Demonstration Program
Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Value in Treatment (ViT) is a four-year demonstration program implemented from April 1, 2021 to December 31, 2024 per change request (CR) 12325 "increases access of applicable beneficiaries to opioid use disorder treatment services, improve physical and mental health outcomes for such beneficiaries."
Applicable Beneficiaries
- Enrolled or entitled with benefits under Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B;
- Not enrolled in Medicare Advantage plan under Medicare Part C; and
- Has current diagnosis for opioid use disorder.
Eligible Providers and Facilities
Must apply for program; email questions about ViT application to ValueinTreatment@cms.hhs.gov
- Physician or group practice comprised of at least one physician
- Hospital outpatient department
- Federally qualified health center (FQHC)
- Rural health clinic (RHC)
- Community mental health center (CMHC)
- Clinic certified as a certified community behavioral health clinic
- Opioid treatment program (OTP-entity specified by the Secretary)
- Critical Access Hospital (CAH-entity specified by the Secretary)
Care Team
Establish OUD care team by employing or contracting with heath care practitioners, at minimum:
- At least one physician furnishing primary care services or addiction treatment services to an applicable beneficiary, and
- At least one eligible practitioner (physician or other health care practitioner enrolled in Medicare and authorized to prescribe or dispense narcotic drugs to individuals for maintenance treatment or detoxification treatment)
Request for Application (PDF) - demonstration overview, applicant eligibility, application submission and participation requirements
Payments and Billing
Two new payments for OUD treatment services furnished to applicable beneficiaries participating:
- Per beneficiary, per month, care management fee (CMF), which the participant may use to "deliver additional services to applicable beneficiaries, including services not otherwise eligible for payment under [Social Security Act, Title XVIII];" and
- Performance-based incentive, payable based on the participant's performance with respect to criteria specified by CMS, which may include evidence-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT), as well as patient engagement and retention in treatment.
- Claims must reflect in CMS-1500 Item 19 narrative "99"
- Electronic 2300 Loop REF Segment 'Demonstration Project Identifier' (REF01=P4 and REF02=99)
- Beneficiary coinsurance and unmet deductible waived
- HCPCS G2172 (all-inclusive payment for highly coordinated and integrated opioid use disorder treatment services furnished for the demonstration project)
- CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-02, Medicare Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 17
- CMS Internet Only Manual (IOM), Publication 100-04, Medicare Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 39
- CMS Roadmap to Address the Opioid Epidemic
- CMS Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Matters (MM) Special Edition (SE) 18004
- A Prescriber's Guide to Medicare Prescription Drug (Part D) Opioid Policies - MLN Fact Sheet
- CMS Opioid Treatment Program Home
- CMS Opioid Use Disorders
- CMS Reducing Opioid Misuse
- CMS Improving Drug Utilization Review Controls in Part D