Article Detail - Portal Guide
MBI Look-Up Tool Available on the Noridian Medicare Portal
The Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) Look-Up Tool is now available on the Noridian Medicare Portal (NMP). This tool is an option for providers/suppliers to use if they are not able to obtain the MBI number from the patient. The new portal feature will only return the MBI if the patient's new Medicare card has been mailed. The new cards are being mailed in phases following a geographic location strategy.
The MBI Lookup requires users to enter first and last name, Date of Birth (DOB) and Social Security Number (SSN). Users will also need to complete the "I am not a robot" verification for every five transactions.
Note: The SSN may be different than the Health Insurance Claim Number (HICN) if the patient receives benefits under a spouse or family member.
To begin using the MBI Look-Up Tool, log onto the Noridian Medicare Portal. For step-by-step instructions, view the NMP User Manual and self-paced tutorial.
More information regarding MBI efforts and educational resources are available on the CMS New Medicare Cards website.