Same or Similar (DME Only)

Available For: DME


  • Select Same or Similar from home page
  • Choose TIN or SSN, NPI and PTAN combination under Provider/Supplier Details
    • Note: DME Vendor End Users are required to enter a Trading Partner ID and Vendor TPID.
  • Enter Beneficiary Details
    • Medicare Number
    • First and Last Name
    • Date of Birth
  • Under Same or Similar Details, there are two options available
    • Option 1: Enter the date of service and a HCPCS code tracked for Same or Similar. The HCPCS code must be listed on the Same or Similar Reference Chart. Same or Similar is not available for HCPCS codes beginning with G, J, L, Q or V.
      A, L and V codes must be looked up under Option 2 for accurate information.
    • Option 2: Search for all paid date of services for a range of HCPCS codes beginning with the same prefix. Example: B0000-B9999

Response - Option 1: Same or Similar

The portal searches the previous five years on most items; eight years for nutrition pumps and lifetime for oxygen.

The following information is provided:

  • Submitted HCPCS
  • Approved HCPCS
  • Initial Date on File
  • Recertification/Revised Date
  • Last Day Item Billed
  • Name of Supplier
  • Phone Number
  • Type
  • Status
  • Total Rentals
The bottom table on the response page provides the same information if the equipment was provided in a different jurisdiction.

Possible Error Messages

  • The message "After searching the beneficiary files, Noridian does not show any results for the criteria inquired on" displays when there are no same or similar HCPCS codes on the beneficiary's file.
  • If the beneficiary information entered does not match our system, a message stating "The beneficiary Medicare number, name or date of birth does not match our records."

Response - Option 2: Code Range Search

Search results can be filtered by RT or LT Modifiers using the radio buttons. The default is set to "Show All".

The following information is provided:

  • HCPCS code/Modifier
  • Date of Service
  • Number of Units
  • Name of Supplier
  • Phone Number
Last Updated Oct 17 , 2024