Remittance Advices

On this page, view the below information.

Full Remittance Advice

Available For: Part A, Part B, DME

Users may view, save and print full remittance advices.

Note for Part B NPIs: If the Part B NPI is registered to receive Full Remittance Advices via the Noridian Medicare Portal, Noridian will no longer reprint and mail copies of the Standard Paper Remit (SPR).


  • Select Remittance Advices from the main menu and then choose Full Remittance.
  • Choose TIN/NPI/PTAN, if needed, under Provider/Supplier Details.
  • Select one of the following options"
    • Option 1 - Request Last 30 Days of remittances issued.
    • Option 2 - Narrow the search results down by a specific date range, check amount or check number
Tip When entering the check amount, do not use the dollar sign or a comma. The only symbol allowed is the decimal point after the dollar amount. (Example: 1185.90) For no-pay remittances enter 0.0 as the check amount.


Results based on the search criteria are displayed. The date, check number, check amount and number of pages are provided. Choose "View PDF" to view the remittance advice in a PDF format. The remittance advice may be saved and/or printed.

Remittance advices over 1,000 pages will not be viewable in NMP. Providers must contact their clearinghouse for assistance in ordering these items.

DME Remittance Advices Reminders

  • DME Remittance Advices are only available going forward from March 10, 2021.
  • Duplicate remittance advices may display in uncommon circumstances where the NPI receives an electronic remittance advice (ERA) and a hardcopy paper check (not EFT).


  • The portal can only display 100 remits at a time based on the search criteria.
  • Part A Remittance Advices are only available going forward from July 2, 2021.

Claim Specific Remittance Advice

Available For: Part A, Part B, DME

View and/or print remittance advice for a single claim.


  • Go to the Remittance Advice tab and choose Claim Specific Remittance.
  • Choose the TIN, NPI and PTAN, if needed.
  • Enter the ICN/DCN/CCN
    • Part A and DME remittances also require and Medicare Number.
    • Part B Remittances Only: To view patient information for a Withholding (WO), enter the 15-digit Financial Control Number (FCN) included on the Full Remittance Advice with the first two digits removed.


A copy of the claim-specific remittance advice displays. To print the remittance advice, select "Print Page". The information on this screen will vary depending on the claim. Definitions of remark and reason codes are provided on the bottom of the remittance advice.

Last Updated May 22 , 2024